
Stay tuned to learn more about our future events!
Final Promotional Event by Insieme per CaminareRossano, Italy 28/12/2022
The multiplier event or our Italian Partner Insieme per Caminare will take place on the 28th of December at the Museo Diocesano e del Codex at 9:30.
Final Promotional Event by ATERMON BV 19/12/2022Rotterdam, The Netherlands
The Open Museums Multiplier event will take place in Rotterdam on the 19th of December!

Final Promotional Event by Laografiki Etaireia Varnava Varnavas, Greece 17/12/2022
The multiplier event is all set and will take place on Saturday the 17th of December 2022 at the Varnavas Museum.
Final Promotional Event by IDEC SAAthens, Greece 7/12/2022
The IDEC S.A. multiplier event is all set and will take place on Wednesday the 7th of December 2022 at Herakleidon Museum in Thiseio-Athens Greece . It will include a seminar on Social Media for Museum staff!
Final Promotional Event by Casa de RosaliaPadron, Spain 2/12/2022
Since the project is approaching its end and successful completion, the Coordinator "Casa de Rosalia" is arranging the final promotional event in Padron Spain on the 2nd of December 2022.
The project results and tools will be presented, as well as Digital Strategies for museums.
Press here for more information on the programme and registration